What the goth?
Vorneweg I must clarify one thing: "gothic" is an adjective, the matching noun is "Goth"
Yes I was actually even a Goth. And I loved it!
I think the goth scene is bigger than you think as an outsider the Sun Great festivals, clubs, magazines, clothing stores and even their own make-up brands, ... The scene is huge! And you can become a fun playing.
that Goths are not sad people who wallow in their world of pain, most people will know yes. Nevertheless, I like the image of the scene in the public does not.
YES, there are a few exotics and things that the mainstream may be crass, are normal in the scene, But most supporters of the gothic scene are completely normal! They would not even see on the street.
When I tell that I was gruftig times on the road, many ask me "you are also dressed so funny?". Yes, I have! I liked the style very much. I have been wearing patent leather boots with a mega-heels, hooker skirts, corsets and bondage wear.
No, I was never one of those romantic Goths, in long velvet tunics with fancifully braided hair and chalk-white face. There
incredible number of different sub-scenes and I would say, I do not know myself, to which I belonged. I put what I enjoyed. However, I have
the everyday but very limited. But I find that completely normal! As a "Normalo" I draw my club wear but not at school or at work, but in the club. Because sequins, rhinestones and transparent blouses in daylight shit look easy and inappropriate. And so that's just paint with skirts and hooker boots.
I've always fought very much against leaving me stuck with this leather jacket bearing Schluffis in a drawer.
What bugs me is when some band, a movie a book that can be brought to the scene the name, is famous and then starts the hype. Not that I would be so particular that I wanted the scene just for me and old members. I just hate this superficial treatment of the whole, especially because the Gothictum just as colorful (haha), and diverse.
And clearly, I am first passed through HIM, The 69 Eyes and cohorts in the direction, but with the full articles in the Bravo and the reports I could puke on Viva regularly.
What I understand is if people feel uncomfortable scene. I do not they. And not particularly because of the quirky characters.
The scene is incredibly arrogant. Not flat, but basically more than other scenes. It is checked out creepy and staring. Especially at festivals, the almost nurnoch are there. And yes, it's also fun to see people with their outfits have been very creative. Where the fun stops for me is when you get into a clothes shop and just uncomfortable. I had often in such shops. Even in clubs you have to first make check out until you can move around freely. This is annoying and I think you just have to develop at some point the self-confidence to be impressed by something not allow.
I always like being part of the scene - and somehow I'm still - because it is so creative. There are a thousand different Bands and sub-genres and styles and at first everything is allowed! How much fun I had to put together outfits Festival, I view pictures from concerts, to let myself get carried away by the music.
I've taken stuff. The music in any case. I hear little mainstream. A couple of friends. Lots of cool outfits. And a lot of tolerance.
In this sense, if the trend comes up again, I ask to be put a bit more apart. We had great fun!
And finally ... I saw it as a Goth:;)
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